Newpiped – Mp3 Downloader Apk
Listen to unlimited mp3 and songs. Watch all videos. Get instant access to all content thanks to its easy and customizable interface.
Save Unlimited Mp3 and Video
HDR and 60fps Record Videos
Mp3 Converter (AAC, OGG and MP3)
Mp3 Search
Music player
Voice Booster
Bass Booster
Tizz Booster
Ringtone maker
Voice Tags and Album Cover Editor
Playlist Recorder
Video Player
Light / Dark / Black Theme Options
Interface Customizations
Backup Options
Easily listen to trending songs with the best music player.
Boost the sounds with volume booster.
Unlike its competitors, the highest quality content is prepared for you. Reach the song you want in seconds and convert it to mp3. Listen to songs and videos from your device without interruption with the built-in local music player.
Get as loud as you want with volume booster, bass booster and tizz booster. You can convert your audio files with the mp3 converter included. Album cover images are saved automatically, you can customize it to edit and make it more fun.
Supported audio formats: Mp3, opus, ogg, AAC, mp4
Supported video formats, mp4 (MPEG-4), WebM
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